Heather Christie’s Blog

Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Sit down, grab a cup of tea, and browse around. Each quarter (January, April, July, and October) I try to write a new post and share a little piece of my life.

My two teenage kids take up a lot of space on the page. But I also love to write about my attempt to lead a healthy, mindful, and purpose-driven life, and what it’s like to start over in New York City and chase a dream at middle age. And lots more. 

While it’s a blast when a big website re-syndicates one of my posts, my real goal is to write in a such a way that compels you pop back again and again to read my stories. I love it when you like, comment, or share a post. And when you subscribe to my email list it makes me happy. Thanks.


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It Was A Scary Mom-Day! This Is What Happened:

It Was A Scary Mom-Day! This Is What Happened:

With their cell phones as extensions of their hands, my kids expect I will be available at all times, under any circumstances. They text and call until I respond. It drives me batty. Mom? Are you there? Text back! Most times, these super urgent texts are to inform me...

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A Letter To My Son As He Enters His Senior Year

A Letter To My Son As He Enters His Senior Year

Dear Son, This summer, for the first time, I didn’t number the calendar with the days left until school started. I thought I’d trick time. But, it’s here—the beginning of the end. My heart pinches when I think about your childhood and understand it’s almost over. You...

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This Is Why The NYC Port Authority Makes Me Happy

This Is Why The NYC Port Authority Makes Me Happy

Last Wednesday, I ran through the New York City Port Authority like a banshee, my fifty-pound book bag slamming against my back, sweat breaking out on my forehead. The clock flashed 8:27 PM. I had three minutes to make the bus or wait until 11pm bus, which wouldn’t...

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I Stopped Doing Laundry And This Is What Happened

I Stopped Doing Laundry And This Is What Happened

The famous actor Ed Asner said, “Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare.” He had to be thinking about the laundry room when he said this—the combat zone—the space in which reasonable parents are transformed into bloodthirsty warriors hell bent on victory....

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Dear Mom, This Is Why I Love You

Dear Mom, This Is Why I Love You

Dear Mom, I'm sorry you had to watch your mother die from Alzheimer’s Disease. You worry it might be your fate. And mine, too. Sometimes you grow melancholy and say your game is almost over. It’s late in the second half and the clock is burning down. “I can’t believe...

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Would This Make You Cry?

Would This Make You Cry?

“Cry,” my five-year old daughter whispered in my ear. “It’s okay to cry now.” She was wedged on my hip as I carried her into her kindergarten classroom for the first time. The expectation was that I would break down in the same I-am-so-sad-you’re-starting-school tears...

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How Many Pennies Does It Take To Get To Egypt?

How Many Pennies Does It Take To Get To Egypt?

My laundry room is too small. It never sees the sun. And there’s not enough space to fold clothing so I am forever lugging huge baskets of clean wash to the master bedroom. Over the years, in an effort to make the laundry closet a cheerier space, I’ve plastered the...

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How To Know When You’re Almost Pregnant

How To Know When You’re Almost Pregnant

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Growing Up, You First Then Me

Growing Up, You First Then Me

One of the nicest people in the blogosphere is writer Lisa Leshaw. She spreads kindness all over the internet by supporting, commenting, and sharing other writers' work. By day, Lisa is a mental health professional specializing in adolescence, blended families, and...

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